
  • Wel­come to Barcelona,
    the Span­ish restaurant
    in the heart of Berlin

  • Here you can find
    our Lunch Menu

  • A piece of Spain in the mid­dle of Berlin

  • Enjoy orig­i­nal Span­ish dish­es and tapas

Welcome to Barcelona

Welcome to Barcelona

Enjoy Span­ish flair close to Check­point Char­ly. At the BarceLona — Tapas­bar & Restau­rant you can expe­ri­ence orig­i­nal Span­ish meals! Only a few foot steps away from sta­tion Kochstraße you can escape from the noise of metrop­o­lis and plunge into the cozy world of BarceLona. On inquiry you also can get cater­ing ser­vice in the region of Berlin.


Booking by phone

Booking by phone

With plea­sure we take your reser­va­tions dur­ing our open­ing hours by phone under +49 30 7022 8336.

In addi­tion you also can book at any time elec­tron­i­cal­ly. Sim­ply click the but­ton below. 


We are look­ing for­ward to your visit.

Our menu

Our menu

Try the vari­ety and rich­ness of the Span­ish cui­sine at BarceLona — Tapas­bar and restau­rant. Addi­tion­al to a numer­ous­ness num­ber of tasty main cours­es you will find a tremen­dous choice of tapas… and excel­lent Span­ish wines, a lot of them self import­ed. Our native speak­ing team would be glad to give you advise. In advance please take a look at our menus.